Energy performance certificate (EPC)

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100 High Street
CM16 4AF

Energy rating


21 June 2033


Property type
Mid-terrace house
Total floor area
112 square metres

Rules on letting this property

Properties can be let if they have an energy rating from A to E.

You can read guidance for landlords on the regulations and exemptions.

Energy rating and score

This property’s current energy rating is D. It has the potential to be B.

See how to improve this property’s energy efficiency.

Energy efficiency chart This property’s current energy rating is D with a score of 57. It has a potential energy rating of B with a score of 81.

The graph shows this property’s current and potential energy rating.

Properties get a rating from A (best) to G (worst) and a score. The better the rating and score, the lower your energy bills are likely to be.

For properties in England and Wales:

  • the average energy rating is D
  • the average energy score is 60

Breakdown of property’s energy performance

Features in this property

Features get a rating from very good to very poor, based on how energy efficient they are. Ratings are not based on how well features work or their condition.

Assumed ratings are based on the property's age and type. They are used for features the assessor could not inspect.

Feature Description Rating
Wall Timber frame, as built, no insulation (assumed) Very poor
Wall Cavity wall, as built, no insulation (assumed) Poor
Roof Pitched, no insulation (assumed) Very poor
Roof Roof room(s), no insulation (assumed) Very poor
Roof Flat, limited insulation (assumed) Very poor
Window Partial double glazing Poor
Main heating Boiler and radiators, mains gas Good
Main heating control Programmer, room thermostat and TRVs Good
Hot water From main system Good
Lighting Low energy lighting in 46% of fixed outlets Good
Floor Solid, no insulation (assumed) N/A
Secondary heating None N/A

Primary energy use

The primary energy use for this property per year is 299 kilowatt hours per square metre (kWh/m2).

About primary energy use

Primary energy use is a measure of the energy required for lighting, heating and hot water in a property. The calculation includes:

  • the efficiency of the property’s heating system
  • power station efficiency for electricity
  • the energy used to produce the fuel and deliver it to the property

Additional information

Additional information about this property:

  • Cavity fill is recommended

How this affects your energy bills

An average household would need to spend £2,888 per year on heating, hot water and lighting in this property. These costs usually make up the majority of your energy bills.

You could save £1,089 per year if you complete the suggested steps for improving this property’s energy rating.

This is based on average costs in 2023 when this EPC was created. People living at the property may use different amounts of energy for heating, hot water and lighting.

Heating this property

Estimated energy needed in this property is:

  • 19,965 kWh per year for heating
  • 2,732 kWh per year for hot water

Impact on the environment

This property’s current environmental impact rating is E. It has the potential to be C.

Properties get a rating from A (best) to G (worst) on how much carbon dioxide (CO2) they produce each year. CO2 harms the environment.

Carbon emissions

An average household produces
6 tonnes of CO2
This property produces
5.9 tonnes of CO2
This property’s potential production
2.6 tonnes of CO2

You could improve this property’s CO2 emissions by making the suggested changes. This will help to protect the environment.

These ratings are based on assumptions about average occupancy and energy use. People living at the property may use different amounts of energy.

Changes you could make

Do I need to follow these steps in order?

Yes. Each step builds on the one before it so you can save the most energy.

For example, it’s more energy efficient to insulate your home before you buy a new boiler. A well insulated home will lose less heat so you do not have to run your boiler as often.

Help paying for energy improvements

You might be able to get a grant from the Boiler Upgrade Scheme. This will help you buy a more efficient, low carbon heating system for this property.

More ways to save energy

Find ways to save energy in your home.

Who to contact about this certificate

Contacting the assessor

If you’re unhappy about your property’s energy assessment or certificate, you can complain to the assessor who created it.

Assessor’s name
Ashley Rolfe

Contacting the accreditation scheme

If you're still unhappy after contacting the assessor, you should contact the assessor’s accreditation scheme.

Accreditation scheme
Quidos Limited
Assessor’s ID
01225 667 570

About this assessment

Assessor’s declaration
No related party
Date of assessment
20 June 2023
Date of certificate
22 June 2023
Type of assessment
Show information about the RdSAP
RdSAP (Reduced data Standard Assessment Procedure) is a method used to assess and compare the energy and environmental performance of properties in the UK. It uses a site visit and survey of the property to calculate energy performance.

This type of assessment can be carried out on properties built before 1 April 2008 in England and Wales, and 30 September 2008 in Northern Ireland. It can also be used for newer properties, as long as they have a previous SAP assessment, which uses detailed information about the property’s construction to calculate energy performance.

Other certificates for this property

If you are aware of previous certificates for this property and they are not listed here, please contact us at or call our helpdesk on 020 3829 0748 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm).

There are no related certificates for this property.